Okay so I'm actually really excited. I always wanted to say that I'm getting transferred to the desert and now here we are.
I am going to the Yucca Valley zone, to serve in the Onaga Trail ward. My new companion will be Sister Blalock! I have been on exchanges with her once before (maybe you remember? idk) in Fontana, but that was about 8 months ago so it will be cool to see how we both have grown! She is a fun one. This upcoming transfer will be her last one, so I will be sending her home! Sister Vest will be staying in Smiley to take over the area and her new companion will be Sister Trussell (dont know her).
Its basically going to be the opposite of Redlands. But! I have heard a lot of great things about the Onaga Trail ward. Its going to be a new experience for sure, and Im looking forward to experiencing a different part of the mission.
I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad to leave Sister Vest and the Smiley Ward. I LOVE THIS WARD. And Sister Vest. I can't express that enough. The members here are just PHENOMENAL and I have so much love for all of them. There have already been quite a few tears and I doubt that they will stop in the next few days. Goodbyes are HARD! I just don't want to leave! I will for sure be coming back to visit everyone here after my mission, after all its only 9-10 hours away! :D #perksofservinginthestates #arehashtagsstillathing
People have been soooo nice about my birthday coming up too. The Kuaea's (FAVE PEOPLE EVER) had us over for dinner last week and they bought me a birthday pie and sang to me and everything! Amazing. It was so thoughtful. Also today, the Lugonia hermanas and the Yucaipa sisters (so 6 sisters total) surprised me this morning by all walking into our apt singing happy birthday to me! Soooo sweeeeeet. I love them all so much. They also collectively bought AN ENTIRE COFFEE CAKE FROM CAROLYNS CAFE (best coffee cake in the world) and we all had a cute little bday brunch together, it was so fun. Also Sister Vest made me a little birthday banner which is SO CUTE. She is so sweet. I will send pictures of it all.
btw i have about one million pictures & videos to send today so just be prepared.
OH ALSO LINDA GOT BAPTIZED ON SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everything went so well and the spirit was there in abundance. Yay for Linda. Sister Vest and I sang for the musical number (acapella) a mashup of "Baptism" and "When I am Baptized" which was fun. Sister Dixon sneakily took a video so I will send that for sure.
Ohhhhh on friday
ok preface first: every summer, Redlands has this thing called the "Redlands Bowl" which is a free organization thing where they have performers come from all over and people can just come watch! For freeeeeee. I'm sure you can google it if you want more info. So a few weeks ago they did Tarzan the musical, and this past friday it was Cinderella the ballet.
So! We have members that live right down the street from the bowl, so we decided to set up a "free lemonade and family history" stand/booth thing so that we could talk to people on their way to the bowl! it was SO FUN. I love doing things like that! And it was really successful too! The kids were attracted to the free lemonade, and the parents seemed to be really interested in family history. Will send pics. FAMILY HISTORY HAS DONE IT AGAIN. so fun.
we are getting SMART PHONES in our mission soon!!! :O and the missionaries are going to start coming out with smart phones instead of ipads in the future. Crazyyyy right?? Also, we are soon going to become an "online proselyting mission" whatever that means. The Dixons were telling us about these things when we had dinner with them last week. Thats all I know so thats all I will say on that subject for now. EXCITING.
I saw the eclipse today, 10/10 would recommend, way cool
Thiiiissss is the longest email ever but also, this past weekend we put Stacy Halloway on date for baptism! Not sure if i have mentioned her before, but we have been working with her for a whiiiile. She knows its all true but has some health problems (she is bed-ridden like 90% of the time) which prevents her from progressing. But we had a lesson with her and I promised her, as a representative of Jesus Christ, that if she had the faith to set a baptism date, then God would allow her strength to come back so that she could be baptized at the end of september. Its exciting to be able to promise blessings, and Stacy seemed excited to work towards that date. We will see what happens!
Some of you may know, it is President Monson's birthday today! In honor of that, lds.org posted an article about his 90 years of service in the church, and a birthday wish that he had about ten years ago: "When asked to describe his ideal birthday gift in 2008, President Monson said: 'Do something for someone else on that day to make his or her life better. Find someone who is having a hard time or is ill or lonely and do something for them. Thats all I would ask.'" I love our prophet. I love how pure his motives are, and how much love he has for all of us members of the church, and for how faithfully he has served for so many years.
Since my birthday is coming up this Thursday, August 24th, (im about to be 23 yall!), I would like to ask for the same thing as President Monson. Like he said, FIND SOMEONE (that means seek it out! don't wait for the opportunity to present itself, go find the opportunity) who is having a hard time and make their life better. Serve them. Turn outwards. That would be sooo wonderful if you all would do that on thursday! And let me know how it goes. Thats what I want for my birthday. And I will strive to do the same. I know that as we turn outwards, we feel joy. There are so many people out there that are just waiting to be blessed by our service, we just need to take the time notice them and seek them out. I know you will all feel happiness and satisfaction when you do your best to serve God's children! Let's change the world!
Alright, well thats all for now. Get ready for TONS of pictures and videos, seriously. so many. Have fun serving this week. Also good luck to everyone starting school! I LOVE YOU ALL!!!
mucho amor,
Sister Carina Brown
PS talk to you next week when I'm in the DESERT WOO