WOW what a great week, I don’t have too much time to write this so I will do my best to include all the important things.
First of all Sister Tomisins 20th BIRTHDAY was on Wednesday! It was so fun! She and I have been making random “desert sisters” vlogs, so a few weeks ago I asked my sister Kailee to put them all together for me with cute music in the background so I could show it to her on her birthday (link to vlog She LOVED it! I loved it too! It was soooooo cute, so thank you Kailee. I also got Sis T a paper with personalized “scripture helps” on it. I will attach a picture of it we went to Olive Garden on her birthday, and the day before Sister Griffin threw a big bday bash so it was fun!
We had zone conference on Friday! And OH MY GOODNESS I had to give my departing testimony and let me tell you, IT WAS SO SAD. I was seriously BAWLING before and after giving my testimony, luckily I was able to compose myself to speak to everyone. It was really hard though, my last zone conference. I’m going to cry just thinking about it. The tears were freely flowing and it was sad. But also it was good, the Spirit was so strong and I learned so much!
Okay on Saturday GUESS WHAT HAPPENED. So we were having a lesson with our NEW investigator Donovan. We just started teaching him a week and a half ago. We were having a great conversation and he was sharing his feelings with us and how he knows this is the right path for him, and we brought up the subject of baptism. He said he would definitely be interested in that, but the only problem was that he would be moving to Northern California on Monday, April 16th. He said, “ there any way I could get baptized before I leave?” And we were like ummm YES ABSOLUTELY.
Side note: he and Destiny (his fiance) are getting MARRIED this Saturday, April 14th. So basically the only day he could get baptized would be Sunday, April 15th. So we asked him how he felt about that and he said, “what better wedding gift than to get baptized?” And he said he was all for it! And on the inside Sister Tomisin and I were like:
But of course we remained calm (until we got in the car afterwards) and started figuring out the details. So basically he is getting baptized NEXT SUNDAY so we have ONE WEEK to plan his baptism!!! AND he is getting married on Saturday, AND he is moving on Monday. So we have a busy busy busy week ahead of us. But it was a HUGE miracle! We are just beyond excited for him!
Also we are going to be helping some members clean their houses because some of them are renting out their houses with AirBNB and will make tons of $$$$$$$ when people stay in their house for Coachella fest this weekend.
I read a scripture this week in Alma 43:1 that says, “the sons of Alma did go forth among the people, to declare the word unto them. And Alma, also, himself, could not rest, and he also went forth.”
I relate to this scripture a lot, especially since my mission is getting shorter and shorter with each passing day. I love the example of Alma. I imagine he was older at this point, I would imagine he was tired, and that he had been through so many things in his life. But it says he could not rest. He went with his sons to preach the gospel. It doesn’t even say that he did not, but that he COULD NOT rest. He was so converted and a true disciple of Christ that he just could not rest from declaring the word and preaching among the people. His motives were pure, and he felt so much love for the people that he also went forth to bring them the joy of the gospel.
This is what I want to continue to do after my mission! I cannot rest, there is no time to rest. I plan on continuing to be a missionary the moment I get home, and for the rest of my life. I invite you all to study the scriptures and to pray to God, and ask him what he wants you to do to more fully share the gospel with others. That may be through setting a good example, or engaging in a gospel conversation, or even just simply reading the Book of Mormon. I know that God will tell you what he wants you to do. I know that THIS is the greatest work on the earth, and that when we are on the Lords errand we are entitled to his help.
So I’m excited for this full and busy week we have ahead of us. If anyone has tips for planning a baptism in one week, feel free to send them my way. LOVE YOU ALL! The church is true!
BY THE WAY I forgot to mention a BIRTHDAY SHOUTOUT to my best friend Blair this week!!! Her bday is on Thursday! LOVE YOU BLAIR
Palm Springs tram last week |
Zone conference, saw Sister vest and love her so much |
Sis t let me borrow her dress 😍 |
Sand volleyball today with the sisters! It was HOT outside |
Elder pic |
Elder pic |
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