Wednesday, May 17, 2017

mucho amor


I got to skype my family yesterday, hence the title of this email! I am just so filled with love. Especially for my mom, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY BOB I LOVE YOU.

Ok so I really can't even remember what happened this week?? We did a lot of service which was so great!!! There are quite a few service opportunities here in Redlands.

We went shopping this morning to get me a new bag because my other one broke. So now I have a new, sturdier bag that will hopefully last me the rest of my mission? We will see. It's cute, so.

Also today we are going with Sister Beall to Forest Falls! Not sure what that is at all, but we are excited. Probably a waterfall? It will involve nature, snacks, and Sister Beall, so I'm excited. She is so great.

Shout out to my sister Sidney who is now HOME from her mission! My sister Kailee sent me a video of her at the airport greeting the family and I just cried. So wonderful. Family is the best. 

Mostly I'm at a loss for words because I Skyped my family (LOTS of family yay I love you all) just yesterday so I'm not sure what else there is to say?? I will tell the story of the Guatemalan guy that I met at service: 

So we were doing service at the post office for a food drive thing on Saturday, and I started talking to this guy named Victor and he said he is from Guatemala! He lived close to where my mom lived. So we started talking about that, and then he realized I was a missionary and he started asking questions about Mormons and what we believe. He had heard some interesting things from his pastor about Mormons so he wanted to clarify. We started to tell him about the BOM and he got so excited and wanted to read it! He was telling us about some spiritual experiences he had in the past that had led him to this point in his life, and he was getting emotional. The elders got his info and have an appt with him next week! It was just cool that we were able to connect because of Guatemala and my culture. So neat! He is so prepared! 

Sister Marstella said that she has not run into so many Spanish-speaking people/people from Guatemala since I came to this area. How cool is that?? I get to use my knowledge of espanol every once in while! 

Something that has been on my mind lately is the importance of goal-setting. Probably because I am really not great at it. My problem is, I have so many things that I want to improve on so I set tons of goals and then none of them get done! But I know that I need to set goals that are specific, realistic, and challenging. I have this vision of who I want to be by the end of my mission and I know I am not going to become that person unless I set goals and make plans to achieve that vision. Here is a quote from Elder Ballards talk from this past conference about goal setting: 

"those who accomplish the most in this world are those with a vision for their lives, with goals to keep them focused on their vision and tactical plans for how to achieve them."

I want to be one of those people! I have plans to accomplish a lot in life, but I know I won't get anywhere unless I set some worthy goals and strive to achieve them. I invite you each to set ONE goal this week in order to improve in something that you have been lacking. Make sure it is specific, realistic, and challenging! Goals should make you STRETCH, but not stress. I'm going to do it too, and I know that as we set goals together that God will bless us with the capacity and opportunity to achieve them! I mean even God sets goals, check out Moses 1:39.

Okay well that's all for now, and of course I will send pictures. I love you ALL, have an inspired week full of accomplishing goals! WOO!!! πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ•ΊπŸ»

Sister Carina Brown
California Redlands Mission

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