Monday, May 29, 2017

Exciting New Developments


It's been another great week! It went by FAST. Also how is this transfer already over??? I really can't believe it! Time is just flying. 

Here are some exciting new developments: 

- I am going to be TRAINING a brand new missionary this transfer!!!! Crazy! I am so excited. Slightly nervous because I'm like "whoa what omg can I do this am I capable idk help" but also just excited. I have no idea who she is or what her name is yet, but I will meet her on wednesday at the training meeting! So I guess you'll have to stay tuned for another week to find out more. 

- Laura Vite (pronounced vee-tay) is getting BAPTIZED this Saturday!!! Finally, she is so so ready. It's going to be crazy planning the baptism without sister Marstella and with a brand new missionary who has no idea what is happening, there is just a lot that goes into a baptism. But I'm excited! Plus they're Tongan, so, food. 

- we got firehouse subs last week it's in our zone holla holla and wow I about died it's amazing 

- Sister Marstella is going HOME tomorrow (slash today, I'm going to be with Hermana Cunningham for two days before transfers on Wednesday, just assume that this week will be crazy it's fine) but she's road tripping back for the baptism this weekend! So I will see her again. I'm going to miss her though!!! We've gotten pretty close these last few weeks. 

- WE GOT THE LONG VERSION OF THE PEACE VIDEOOOOOOOOO WOOOOOO it's like five minutes long. It's great! Also I talk at the end and I don't like my voice but whatever it's cool nbd. 

- we had our Ice Cream Social on Friday and invited back all the people that were in the video!!! And not a toooon of people came, but there were a few non members there so that was good. We even gave one of them a church tour afterwards! We got to show the short version of the peace video and the long version, so that was fun. Plus, ice cream. 

- we got a heated phone call from an apt complex we visit and they told us to not come on the property ever or they will call the police. So that was fun. People are nice. Hopefully no one prepared lives there haha...

We had interviews with President last Thursday and that was great! That was when he told me I would be training, so I have known for a few days. Something he said that I really liked is that the Lord is always pleased, but never satisfied. He is pleased with every effort and every step we take closer to him, but that doesn't mean he is satisfied with that! He wants us to continue growing and learning constantly, because that's what life is all about! Learning and changing and becoming like God. Pres Dixon told me to continue to have a healthy approach towards improvement. I always want to remember that, to always seek opportunities for growth and to look for how I can improve. It takes a lot of humility and letting go of pride, but I know it will be worth it! We all have SO much potential, God is just helping us to reach that! All we have to do is let him. I know that God loves us and his pleased with every step forward that we take, and I know that as we constantly improve and seek to become like Him, we will find true JOY. 

I'm looking forward to an exciting week full of change and fresh starts and improvement! Remember, every day is the first day of the rest of your life. So let's make it GREAT! 



Sister Carina Brown 
California Redlands Mission 

This is what SISTER DIXON made out of watercolor. I edited it on my iPad and wow isn't it amazing. That's our mission theme! Love it. 


This is the link to the long version of the Peace video:

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